special invitation for landlords and property owners!
A safe place to sleep with a roof overhead shouldn’t be an elusive dream but it is for too many children affected by homelessness. You’re invited to partner with us to create safe, stable homes for families and young adults in our community.
Join our network of property owners, property management companies, real estate brokers and landlords who have a special commitment to making our community better for all.
We are experts in building the capacity of families and young adults to be responsible, dependable renters. We have a proven model with more than 8 out of 10 lease signers successfully completing our program. You can provide the keys to a home and a brighter future by partnering with us.
“As a property manager, finding good tenants for the affordable housing in our portfolio has always been a major goal. Working with Families Together has been a great experience for the owners, tenants and our company. Knowing that the tenants are receiving support from Families
Together has really made the difference in how we manage our portfolio.”
You'll receive recognition in the community through:
- Special listing on the Families Together website
- Spotlights on Community Landlords in out e-newsletter
- Invitation to our Annual Landlord Recognition Breakfast
- Nomination opportunities for the Landlord of the Year Award
Our children are our future. Yet more and more, homelessness in our community is the face of a child. By Partnering with us, you will do your part to end childhood homelessness. You will keep families together, provide access to safe, affordable housing and give our community's children a chance to thrive.
Our partnership can benefit you as a landlord because Families Together will provide ongoing services to the families and young adults we place in your rental units to help them become successful tenants and good neighbors. Temporary financial assistance and case management are two examples of the services we provide. Landlords are among our most important partners and as such we are committed to helping you:
- Find tenants and reduce vacancy rates
- Ensure rent is paid on time
- Keep renters in their units for the long-term
- Prevent costly evictions
- Make sure tenants are good neighbors
The families and individuals we serve receive up to 12 months of case management which includes home visits. Additionally, we provide monthly budgeting support, financial literacy training and a 7-part Rent Ready curriculum. Our financial assistance includes security deposits, rental and utilities assistance.
““Taproot Realty & Property Management has been working with Families Together for a while and it has been a great partnership for our owners. The staff is dedicated and easy to work with. The residents we have placed through the program have been very responsible and have had a positive impact on our communities. We have enjoyed working with Families Together and look forward to placing more of their residents.”
“It has truly been a wonderful experience partnering with Families Together to assist with placing families in permanent housing. During our time working together I have found Families Together to be extremely organized, and easy to work with.
I look forward to a continued relationship and wish you much success in your fight against homelessness.”