A Note from Families Together Board Member Gwen Jackson


The unthinkable happened to me and my family a few years ago.

We lost a job. Then we lost our home. In a flash, my husband, our two young daughters and I were living in our family car.

The worst fears came in the middle of the night. Approaching headlights terrified me as we lay hunched down on the car seats trying to sleep. Would we be discovered? Would someone try to harm my girls?

Terror turned into hope when we were referred to Families Together. They provided financial assistance to help us start over and found housing we could afford long-term.

But there was something more that made the difference.

Our lives were changed because of the empowerment, the hope, and the love we got from Families Together. Those things that money can’t buy opened the door to new opportunities.

My mentor advocate encouraged me to apply for a better-paying job. I took that step because she believed in me - and I got the job! I’m an HR professional and have been promoted several times since.

When the Families Together Board of Directors invited me to join them, I leapt at the chance to provide an important family perspective and to shape the strategic decisions we make for FT.

Most recently, I received training in public speaking and storytelling in the FT Voices Together program. I’ve honed my communication skills and speak on behalf of Families Together every chance I get. And every time I do, I grow in confidence and self-esteem.

My daughters have seen me grow into a community leader – an example they’ve followed by becoming leaders themselves. They are honor roll students, talented athletes, and even helped to start a new club program at their high school! They make my husband and me so proud.

You took a chance on us sight unseen by supporting Families Together. For that, I am forever grateful to you.

With deep appreciation,


Gwen Jackson

P.S. I hope you take pride in your investments in Families Together and will continue your support. I’m here to tell you that it pays dividends in wonderful ways you cannot imagine.